Socially sustainable
Environmentally rational
Economically stable
Within a Social Environmental Economics – Reconomics or Circular Economy, you can SEE a wonderful people-environment fit, where we can all have Quality of Life – QOL.
Well, this type of balanced sustainability future-proofs life by removing economic risk which leads to a strong, stable society, making us all better-off.
I wish that every time economic grow is mentioned by anyone, that we all consider a simple calculation. It is simple mathematics and the sums are not that hard. Its simple, a 1% population growth means that society means to doubling everything in society every 70 years to maintain the same standard of living. It would mean you need twice the hospitals, twice the schools, twice the housing, twice the jobs and twice the sewage works and if that growth increased to only 2%, then that doubling of everything would be 35 years and if that growth is just 7% that doubling is in just 10 years. This is completely unsustainable, but that’s the nonsense you are being sold. We simply cannot not get out of any problem, by increasing the problem.
So, it makes absolutely no sense to keep talking about economic growth as the means to a better quality of life because using that notion as route to success, does the complete opposite of what you want and just uses up all of your valuable resources quicker. That means advocating growth in any form, on its own is just irresponsible, but coupled to the consequences of ever-increasing pollution levels, is just foolishness.
So, any political party or organisations promoting growth are part of the problem, increasing the scale of the economic disaster for future generations. I wish every person would remember this fact about growth every time that some irrational politician suggests growth as the answer to any of society’s problems because it’s just making the problems worse.
So, why does sustainability work better? Because it has a vision for a better future where:
- People work in harmony with our surroundings, so we live within our means, producing stability.
- Society’s material needs are met without costing the Earth.
- Prosperity can only be reliably delivered through Reconomics, where nothing is discarded, so we all have more.
- Quality of life is not driven by consumption; it’s about having the resources available for each of us to meet our challenges.
- And democracy means answering to you – not representing members, big business, or any vested interests above the needs of society, but always embodying peoples’ views and supporting all lives.
The Conservative, Labour, Lib Dems & SNP have been committed to economic growth for the past 50 years and despite the evidence still are, therefore they all have always failed on their promises and frankly the people of this country are fed up with it. Changing away from the old confrontational ways towards a new inclusive and totally democratic vision of politics is crucial – unfortunately people don’t realise how much power they really have!!
Currently there is no accountability – politicians think once they’re in power they can do whatever they want. Fundamentally the democratic system needs to move on – to liberty, safety, progress and stability – to a place where the people decide. The most important thing I have learnt from my experience in politics is that people make far better choices about their own lives than politicians. So, you do have a choice…
Metaphorically by just stepping off the plank, you remove them
No if, or buts, politicians have been ignoring the “will of the people” for years, but if enough people in your community vote in enough numbers, you will actually get rid of these untrustworthy politicians. There is finally another way, just step away from all that misinformation and vote for Sustainability and things will finally start to change in your favour.
We want a wonderful stable country and a beautify world, where people make decisions and the politicians are there to help realise those choices.
THE CHANGE STARTS HERE, Sustainability works because:
Sustainability will – Champion Honesty & Integrity
Sustainability will – Support Community and Public Services
Sustainability will – Deliver Stable Economic Success
Sustainability will – Protect the Environment in which you Live
Sustainability will – Put You and Your Children First
Sustainability will – Promoting free enterprise and resource balance
So, what else do we need to fix our broken democracy:
There is something not quite right when you get millions of votes and no seats, clearly we need proportional representation (PR) to correctly respect/represent the votes cast by voters; that they should reflect the number of seats.