What it so important about Sustainability?
Well, it is common sense to do what is stable and matters to people.
The videos below completely prove that Sustainability is the only honest and rational political party in the UK and we know that direct public involvement with decision making is the answer. We also completely agree with Sir David Attenborough and Professor Bartlett’s views. The World is a finite resource and we need to manage it wisely, or we will harm ourselves. Sustainability disagrees with the Lib Dems, Tories, Labour view that the economy will be saved by growth. Because resources are not infinite; this is an obviously scam and growth will just use up everyone’s limited resources quicker. The UK and the other countries of the World have to learn to live within their means and have a population size that matches their ability to provide the vital needs and services of this population. This is called living off the yield of capital, not the capital itself. This is just practical and sensible. After all, how would you cope at home if the numbers of people living in your house kept on increasing, but your wages stayed the same? How would you provide more and more bedrooms, food, clothing, medicine etc etc? Of course, you couldn’t.
We certainly need to redesign politics and the way we live, for the good of the people, by the people.
So what do young people say?
Well its like this…..
Population – People & Planet
Sir David Attenborough explains, in this short twenty minute video, the realistic modern consequences of the video produced by Dr Bartlett below. ENACT have spoken to the Lib Dems, Tories, Labour and even the Greens about this and they deny that the contents of these video are credible!! They dismisses Malthus and the use of his and subsequent researchers work into understanding growth and therefore they are all committed to administering what David Attenborough describes as, an “ecological ponzi” scheme. Unfortunately Dr “ponzi” Cable through his own admission and willfulness to discredit others was rejected by voters, and it is now only these parties and the irrational economists that are maintaining this sustainability oxymoron.
Immigration in the USA
How Population Dynamics works
The Basic Concept of Population Growth is clearly explained – In the UK this model is not being fueled by the birth rate, it is being powered mainly by EU migration, but the curve and the consequences are the same. The other political parties, the pro -EU parties are happy to allow unrestrained population growth, which will eventually lead to a crash. That crash would have devastating effects on every one of us in the UK.
How you are being misled
In the UK the Lib Dems, Conservatives, Labour and SNP are using falsehood and favouritism to make an impression on the voter, so that they vote for them. Sustainability has and will continue to maintain virtue by highlighting the truth. It is very clear that making false statement can be very convincing, because these claims can be inflated, whereas the truth is always the truth. The truth also may sometimes be unpopular because the voter cannot believe that these are real problems that need solutions.
It is a reality that when the voter becomes aware of this deception a point of high leverage occurs and the truthful party will ultimately win. It is time for you to find the facts and know the truth, before you vote and please do it for this election, because as the video above shows, by the next election the problems will be worse. In this case the High Leverage Point (HLP) is the relationship between population and resources. How many people there are and how much money to care for their needs. The real fact of significance is the national debt – What are we borrowing? Under Labour this was £800bn in this Parliament it has risen almost double to £1,500bn (that is £1.5 Trillion). No wonder they are using corrupted facts to misled you!! ENACT will keep telling you the truth and hopefully in the fullness of time, what’s is really happening and will be obvious to all.
Will growth save the UK?
This is the most important video you will ever see. It is one hour long and does have a lot of detail, so you will have to be patient; but these are all real facts and if you remember this video every time a Lib Dem, Conservative or Labour politician, or any leader from any other country in the world mentions “Steady growth”, you will be able to fully understand what they are actually saying.
The Most Important Video You Will Ever See
Housing in Richmond
This is a video is from the Richmond Council Leaders Questions in St Margarets on 13th February 2015. If you go to 1:22.46 (I hour 24 mins and 46sec) you will find the response to what the problem of over-population means to the Leader of Richmond Council. He highlights the serious nature of increasing population, saying London will increase, but fundamentally refuses to acknowledge that this would have any affect on the amount of housing needed, or on the open spaces in the Borough. He accused UKIP of “scare-mongering”, but he has now set himself a very high bar in the video, going on public record claiming that “no open space will be threatened by development”. Only time will tell who is right, but rest assured the Conservatives, Lib Dems, Labour and Greens will have to face up to reality at some point that increasing population does have an affect on housing, public services, school places etc, because as I understand it, they are not going to be making any new land in the Borough, any time soon.